Turning Again

The sign outside the Mason’s Lodge says:

“We tend to repeat what we don’t repair.”

The summer is upon us, and I can’t shake

The fear of the future and this cold despair.

And I am turning again, away the one who loves me.

The music still soothes me, windows down, driving fast.

I don’t know in these days who to trust, or who cares.

I love her, I want to not hesitate or fear when we embrace.

Who knows what cruel weapons are beneath the dress she wears?

And I am turning again, away from the one who loves me.

Sunday morning, and God has never seemed farther away.
I want to drive forever, all the way to where God abides.

If I see her there, at the gates of heaven, all made of light,

I will know there is no place in her soul, where cruelty hides.

Finally,  I will not turn away from the one who loves me.

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